


說明/ 多年生蔓性草本植物,全株高60–120公分,葉型會隨著植株的年老改變為其特點,年輕植株的會長成戟(音己)型或箭頭型。而年老的植株,其新生葉片會變成三裂到五裂的模樣,有時候會被誤會成兩種不同的植物。合果芋原產中、南美洲熱帶雨林,喜高溫潮濕的環境,耐蔭性佳,常作為園藝觀賞植物。用於室外半陰處作地被覆蓋,會攀附支柱或牆壁,匍匐垂曳或附著支持物向上生長。(黃伊君攝)
A perennial trailing herbaceous plant that can grow to 60-120 cm tall. The leaf structure changes as it matures, going from a juvenile arrow or halberd shape to a deeply lobed adult form with 3-5 segments. Due to the changing leaf form, older plants are sometimes mistaken for a different species. The plant is native to rainforests in Central and South Americas, preferring warm and humid environments and can tolerate shade very well. Often cultivated as a houseplant, when grown outdoors in shade, the plant would climb pillars, walls, and other support structures. (Photo courtesy of Huang Yi-jun)
