說明/ 普遍留鳥,臺灣特有亞種,全長約17–22 公分。中低海拔山區與丘陵,開墾農地、都會綠地、公園與校園各地皆常見,性活潑,不太怕人。主要以昆蟲、種子和漿果為食。雄鳥胸部灰色較深,雌鳥較淡,雄鳥頭後部白色非常醒目。近似種為烏頭翁,為臺灣特有種鳥類,僅分布於宜蘭、屏東與花東。每年3 到5 月是白頭翁的繁殖期,築巢於離地不高的雜木林或樹叢。鳴叫聲嘹亮富變化類似「啾、啾、啾」或「巧古力–巧古力–」之聲。( 陸維元攝)
A common resident bird, an endemic subspecies of Taiwan, 17-22 cm in length. It is often seen in medium and low altitude mountains and hills, agricultural lands, urban green spaces, parks and campuses. It does not fear humans and mainly feeds on insects, seeds, and berries. Males have darker breast feathers than females and a glaring large white patch covering the nape and the sides of its head. Styan's Bulbul, a similar species, is an endemic species of Taiwan, which only appears in Yilan, Pingtung and Huadong. It breeds from March to May. The nest is built in thickets or undergrowth close to the ground. It makes a wide variety of whistling chirping calls, such as “tck-tck” or “chuk-chuk.” (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)