
肯氏南洋杉 (又名 花旗杉)


說明/ 常綠喬木,樹高可達30公尺,原產於澳洲。主幹渾圓挺直,枝椏自然分層輪生於主幹四周,如上圖。葉呈針刺狀密生,外貌彷彿一支支雞毛撢子,樹皮粗糙,隨樹幹增大而呈環狀脫皮。雌雄異株,毬果長橢圓形,呈蜂巢狀。木質具芳香味,紋理粗獷,為極受歡迎的小木屋木板材料。因樹型美觀,常作為庭園植栽及路樹,臺灣各地公園、學校都有廣泛栽植。(陸維元攝)
An evergreen tree that can grow to 30 m tall, native to Australia. The trunk is straight and upright and the branches grow in whorls radiating around the trunk with foliage held in dense clumps at the end of the branches like feather dusters. The bark is rough and peels off in flakes as the tree grows. The plant is dioecious with ovoid cones that have beehive-like structure. Evenly textured with a straight grain and pleasing scent, the wood is commonly used for cabins. Due to their beautiful form, Colonial Pines are often grown as garden or street trees and can be seen in parks and schools across Taiwan. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)
