貢德氏赤蛙 (又名 狗蛙)

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說明/ 雄蛙體長6–8.5 公分,雌蛙可達8–10 公分。頭部平扁, 頭長大於頭寬,吻端尖圓,上下唇皆白色。鼓膜大而明顯,周圍白色。背部棕色或淺褐色,身體兩側各有一條明顯的背側褶, 沿背側褶有黑色線條及不規則的黑斑。叫聲如同狗吠「茍–…茍–…」,故俗名有狗蛙之稱,一旦有危險接近會改發出「吱–」的尖叫聲。出現在水田、池畔、溪流以及積水之低地。(彭楨儒攝)

Males 6-8.5 cm in length; females 8-10 cm. The head is flat, the length of which is longer than the width. The snout is short and pointed. The lips are white; the tympanum is large and visible, surrounded by white margins. The back is brown or light brown. There is a distinct dorso-lateral fold on each side of the body, lined with black lines and irregular black spots. It makes bark-like “gou-gou” calls, earning its Chinese name “Dog Frog.” When danger nears, its call changes to a high-pitched “zhi.” It appears in rice fields, ponds, rivers and puddles. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)
