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說明/ 雄蛙體長約8–9 公分,雌蛙9–12 公分,是國內叉舌蛙科中體型最大的蛙類。背部極粗糙,顏色雜有黃綠色、灰褐色、暗褐色或灰黑色等,配上一些深色斑點。腹部白色並帶有深色雜斑。雄蛙略小於雌蛙,有一對咽下側外鳴囊。虎皮蛙外型和澤蛙類似,背部都有許多突起,但澤蛙的膚褶比較短而且排列不整齊,且體型遠小於前者。棲息於平地農田及草澤環境,本校以寧靜湖上游與金桔農莊交界處較有機會觀察到,叫聲如同敲金屬為「剛、剛、剛、」聲。(李穎松攝
Males about 8-9 cm in length; females 9-12 cm. In Taiwan, it is the largest member of the Dicroglossidae family. The back is very rough. The coloration is various and mixed, including yellowish-green, greyishbrown, dark brown or greyish-black, with some dark spots. The belly is white with dark spots. Males are slightly smaller than females, with a pair of subgular external vocal sacs. It is similar to the Rice Field Frog in appearance, with many bumps on the back. However, Rice Field Frogs have shorter and irregular skin folds and are much smaller in size. It typically inhabits rice fields and swamps. On campus, it is more likely to be seen at the intersection between the upstream area of Tranquility Lake and Kumquat Factory. It makes metallic “gaang-gaang-gaang” calls. (Photo courtesy of Li Ying-song)
