長春花 (又名 日日春)


說明/ 多年生草本植物或低矮灌木,全株可達60 公分,夏秋開淺紅色或白色碟形花。原產於馬達加斯加,目前廣泛栽培於世界各地作為庭園觀賞花卉。枝條綠色或黃褐色,喜溫暖、陽光充足及排水良好土壤,耐旱耐瘠。早在清朝前就引入栽植,在氣候溫暖的臺灣四季都會開花,所以又名為「日日春」。屬夾竹桃科,若折斷其莖葉,會流出有毒的白色乳汁,同時散發出特殊的臭味。(黃伊君攝)
A perennial herbaceous plant or low-growing shrub that can grow to 60 cm tall, producing pink or white disc-shaped flowers. Native to Madagascar, it is widely cultivated as a garden plant around the world. The branches are green or yellowish-brown in color. It prefers warm conditions with full sun and well-drained soil and can tolerate dry and nutritionally deficient environments. It was introduced into Taiwan as early as the Qing dynasty, commonly known as “Eternal Spring” due to its long flowering period throughout the year. The plant is in the family Apocynaceae. The milky-white sap from its broken stem is poisonous, accompanied by an unpleasant smell. (Photo courtesy of Huang Yi-jun)