

說明/ 多年生草本植物,射(音葉)干全株高可達1公尺。葉互生,劍形,花橙黃色至橙紅色,表面散布深紅色斑點,就像豹紋一樣,因此英文命名為Leopard Lily,即為豹百合之意。盛開於炎熱的夏季,約6月至8月,予人熱情活潑之感。為臺灣原生蜜源植物,誘蝶效果良好,常見水青粉蝶、淡黃蝶、紅紋鳳蝶等蝶種前來訪花。而因其種籽為黑色,外形像莓果,所以另外的英文名為Blackberry Lily,目前在臺灣多為園藝觀賞之用。(林政興攝)
A perennial herbaceous plant that can grow to 1 m tall. The leaves are alternate, enisform. The yellow or orange flowers have dark red spots on the surface, resembling the spotted skin of a leopard, hence the plant is also known as leopard lily. Flowers bloom in summer, from about June to August, producing a lively sight. In Taiwan, it is a honey plant, attracting Mottled Emigrant and Common Emigrant butterflies, as well as Common Rose Swallowtails. The black seeds resemble blackberries, giving the plant an alternate name “Blackberry Lily.” It is mostly grown as an ornamental plant in Taiwan. (Photo courtesy of Lin Zheng-xing)