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說明/ 雄蛙體長4–5.2 公分,雌蛙5.6–7 公分,臺灣特有種。因為最早在嘉義縣境內被發現,故以嘉義古地名「諸羅」命名。背部為草綠色,吻端到體側有一條白線,腹部白色或略呈粉紅色。腹面與背部光滑,外型優美。僅分布在雲嘉南一帶的竹林與雜木林中,目前因竹林轉作與棲地破碎化正面臨生存危機。後山草原排水溝旁竹林、雜木林與附近積水窪地為本校主要諸羅樹蛙棲地,寧靜湖上游鄰近金桔農莊附近亦有少量分布。諸羅樹蛙特別喜歡在雨夜或雨後的夜晚鳴唱,叫聲是高而輕脆的連串「ㄍ一、ㄍ一、ㄍ一」聲。(彭楨儒攝)
Males 4-5.2 cm in length, females 5.6-7 cm, an endemic species of Taiwan. As the species was firstdiscovered in Chiayi county, it is named accordingly “Zhuluo Tree Frog” in Chinese, after the old name of Chiayi. Its back is grass-green in color. There is a white line stretching from its snout to the sides of its body. The belly is white or light pink. Its belly and back are smooth, giving it an elegant appearance. It is only seen in the bamboo and mixed forests in Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan. Due to alternate husbandry and habitat fragmentation, its survival is being threatened. Its habitat includes bamboo and mixed forests, and temporal puddles after rain near the Mountain Wilderness Area. It is also seen in the upstream area of Tranquility Lake, near Kumquat Factory. On rainy nights, it likes to make high-pitched and crisp “gi-gi-gi” calls. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)